Yourself from the
If you are on this site, you have probably been referred to it specifically by someone you know. If you happened here because you are researching what has gone wrong in society at many levels, then you have come to a site that has a good amount of information, but not all of the information. This site is about freeing yourself from the rules, regulations, codes and statutes, and policies and procedures imposed by corporations calling themselves governments. Succinctly, and bottom-line, all the governments are corporations masquarading as governments. Everything is contractual.
With that, you are invited here to observe, take a few steps, or take many. Remove yourself partially or entirely. The choice is yours and the decision is up to you. How much you wish to learn is also up to you.
But, one thing you might choose to do upfront is not get angry, upset, mad, disillusioned, or vengeful by what you learn here or elsewhere. None of us who decide to take action have the time or energy to spend being upset, angry, or vengeful. As a matter of fact, forgiveness is the only path forward.
If you are already of an angry or vengeful mindset, then please go elsewhere as I will not work with you.
On this site, there are many different topics ranging from: your certificate of birth and social security account; passports and diplomatic immunity; the IRS & federal taxes; motor vehicles, driver's licenses, travelers vs drivers; the definitions of the United States, the different citizenships, your two names; other licenses, registrations and permits; Irrevocable Trusts; the judicial system; corporations; money; property; and more.
When you reach the point, after reading all the material on this site numerous times, that you learn enough to correct your original citizenship status, choose to revoke your initial election to pay federal income taxes, change everything about your automobile(s), create a Trust, learn to control your assets, and break all known contracts by implementing that which you have learned here, your life will have already changed. That is the benefit of learning!
With respect to the IRS, you will learn how to lawfully extricate your self from having to pay Federal Income Taxes. You will be introduced to Title 26 of the U.S. Code which is the Internal Revenue Code for the Internal Revenue Service, a for-profit, independent, non-governmental, private corporation, in no shape or form connected to the government you thought ruled the 50 states of the Union. You will be amazed to learn that the income tax is not mandatory, but voluntary. You will further be amazed to know that it has never been enacted (voted into law) by any session of Congress. Ever! Therefore, it is not law, but a series of codes written in such a complicated manner that you will read it and still think that you must pay taxes.The IRS and Federal Taxes section details this.
I will show you how to make changes so that your vehicle is never referred to again as a 'motor vehicle' unless your vehicle is used for commercial purposes. You might be interested to know that a license, registration, and insurance are not required. You will learn more about this on the Traveler vs Driver section of this website.
One of the biggest changes you will make is to your citizenship. This step will require that you educate yourself so that you know what you are doing when you file documents that correct your status back to your original citizenship. The Passport section explains all of this.
Addressing all of the licenses and registrations you have ever obtained (Driver's License, Marriage License, Hunting/Fishing/Gaming Licenses, Voter Registration, etc) is also necessary as these are all contracts you have made with the Federal, State, County, and local governments (corporations to be more precise) to which you do not want to be contracted (bound).
Some of the information on this site is simple and straight forward; some is complicated. Some of it you will reject. Why? Because it goes against everything you've ever been taught. As you read that which is contained herein, you might think that some of this smacks of conspiracy. Many of us thought the same thing........until we began researching and investigating. When we actually searched the codes, the statutes, the rules, the laws, and the court cases, we found that everything in here is based in real live factual events. So, we changed our minds about what we thought was true and real. You may not be able to understand what a code, statute, regulation or a law says upon first reading it, especially the Internal Revenue Code, because it's written in a different language — legalese — but eventually comprehension begins to dawn. Then, the codes start to scream at you because you realize, when reading them, how you've been lied to and mislead.
So, welcome to a new way of looking at things that will, for many of you, teach you how to free yourself from the morass of schtuff that may be presenting itself more and more each day. This site is also for those of you who knew, thought, or felt something was very wrong when the fear porn began in late 2019 and continued thru 2022, the lockdown and the closing of thousands and thousands of businesses in March of 2020, the constant misleading advertising campaigns by Main Stream Media (MSM) to get the 'shot,' the vaccine deaths, the injuries, the statistics, the Pfizer Report, none of it made sense. So, this is a site devoted to teaching you what can be done, and presenting means and methods to reduce or eliminate the situation or stalemate in which you may find yourself. As we continue to see things that just do not make sense anymore, rather than throwing up our hands in frustration or complaining about it and doing nothing, there is much that can be done.
Even though this site is content laden, this is a peaceful, peace-oriented, non-combative, non-aggressive forum, process, and movement. We do not move forward with all that this site presents, or in life, with anger, grief, grudges, judgment, hatred, opposition, and destruction. We do not move forward as though we are battling an enemy. That's not the journey nor the goal. If that's your intent, please close this site and go elsewhere. The objective is to dance our way through the process, laughing, as we take one step at a time to free ourselves from the senseless morass we inadvertently and ignorantly agreed, and continue to agree, to.
This site is organic and will continue to grow as current pages become more robust and new pages are added that provide incredible information on many different topics that all play a role in our lives. The upper right portion of each page on this site has menu options. The 'Waking Up' section is where the majority of content will be located.
Oh, one more thing, you may learn to take an interest in laws, codes, statutes, and words. Yes, words! Never again will you idly sit by when you do not understand something you have read or heard OR think that you know because of the context in which it is used. For instance, what is the difference between the words 'lawful' and 'legal'? Or what is the definition of 'individual,' 'person,' 'resident,' and 'alien'? Or better yet, what is the definition of United States? What do the newspapers and the news media mean when they use the words 'United States'? None of these are what you think they are when you read about them in an article or hear them on the news. If you do not know, you need to look them up because they are different than the dictionary definitions, they are different than what you have been taught, and they are different amongst the codes themselves! You will be introduced to the Uniform Commercial Codes (UCC), the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), the Federal Register and the U.S. Codes (USC) that are used...mainly against us.
Each of us who have been on this journey have discovered that we can read the above codes, understand them, and fully employ them to turn around almost every negative situation we are involved in.
There is a lot of information on this site. More than you can possibly imagine. You are going to have to read through all of this AND read other material in order to fully comprehend what is written on these pages.
Welcome aboard. This can be fun if you choose to make the changes. So, please, begin the journey! I would suggest that you proceed in the sequence as displayed on this site.
~ Michael
"The Unexamined Life is not Worth Living"
All information on this site is for educational and entertainment purposes only. You are responsible for your actions or in-actions based on the information provided on this site or after any consultation I may have with you. You are responsible for that which you do with this information and in life. Whether you learn from me or from someone else, you hold ultimate responsibility for that which you think, say, and do. Your thoughts, your words, and your actions all come from you and place you at the center of any effects . Part of what you are being taught is to turn away from the current arena of litigation so prevalent in this country wherein one person blames another for the former's misfortunes or failures. You, ultimately, are the producer, director, writer, and actor who owns your show called life.
I assume no liability with your use or mis-use of the content on this site.
The above has been added because we have such a litigious society.